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First Things First
Accelerating Grid Decarbonization


We are halfway through the Decisive Decade – the most important time for climate impact. All parts of society, including companies, must take meaningful action to rapidly and efficiently address climate change.


To this end, companies have been purchasing clean energy to reduce their emissions and accelerate grid decarbonization. However, the urgency of climate change demands that we do more, better and faster.


That’s why the Emission First Partnership is focused on ensuring that clean energy investments deliver the greatest possible decarbonization benefits to the grid.


Today, all clean energy on a given grid is valued equally. Yet, we know the carbon impact of clean energy varies significantly, depending on the electricity it displaces.


By using modern data we can measure and account for these variations and understand the real-world emissions impact of clean energy deployment. And, we can empower organizations to identify and prioritize efforts that will most effectively accelerate grid decarbonization.


We’re focusing on the heart of the issue - the emissions - so we can drive meaningful progress at the pace and scale the world needs.


Emissions First

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Disclaimer: The Emissions First Partnership does not represent a legal or official partnership between signatory companies.
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